Friday, November 29, 2019

part 7 ladakh

Part 7. The entire building of eco lodge was solar powered. No wifi. No phone signals. The girls went crazy in the beginning but when the dusk brought in all colours in the horizon like a painted canvas which bordered all the towering ranges, everyone forgot about the wifi signals. It was such a splendid sight. The next morning we found ourselves wandering in the front garden happily clicking pictures. Two local ladies were busy doing something at the nearby storage building. We went to meet them d ask around. They were Dolma and Diskit ( which is also a place there) and they were roasting wheat. They spoke Ladakhi language and some Hindi. They said they were getting ready for the severe winter that is about to settle in for another 6 months. By october 20th, all tourist activities will be suspended only to re start in the end of March because the entire place would be under snow. They informed us that they would cut up all remaining vegetables and fruits and sun-dry then to store in big hessian sacks. They would not dream of stepping out in the winter months and would use all these stored veggies and powdered whet etc for food. Also dried meat which will keep them warm in those months. I wondered at the variety of climate in different parts of India. Being from the southern side we had never come across such weather and I thought what would it be like to live in a snow-covered home for months. !! (Photos attached, of the two ladies)
After an elaborate breakfast we were to start for our last destination which was Pangong lake.
There were a few other families too in this place. A Very loud lady who was constantly screaming at her driver and her companions irritated us because of her behavior. She was just not bothered about her surroundings and other people. Continuously shouting at her poor ocal driver she thought she grabbed some attention. We were about to stop her reminding of other peoples’ presence but somehow stopped ourselves a confrontation.!!

Off to pangong lake with bags packed and it was a long drive but the sights and scenes were great. Tea breaks and maggie breaks in between and by afternoon..lo..we could see the blue color of the lake from a distance.

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